We want to make sure you get your gear as fast as possible.
You order will be processed within 24 - 48hrs, but sometimes part of your order may be coming from another store. In cases like this, transfers may take up to 4 business days to complete depending on origin store.
Providing a phone number at check out helps us notify you when the order is ready.
Make sure to bring a proof of ID and your order confirmation.
- Upon arrival, please proceed to the designated in-store pickup area or to the cash area.
- Our friendly staff will be there to assist you with the pickup process.
Important: For security purposes and to ensure a smooth and safe pickup process, we kindly ask that you present a valid government issued photo identification (ID) at the time of pickup and the payment method used at checkout with you for verification purposes. Unfortunately, if you do not have a valid ID, we will be unable to release the order to you. If you are unable to personally collect your order and need someone else to pick it up on your behalf, please notify us in advance, and ensure that the designated person brings their ID along with authorization from you.
Orders are held for 10 days, after which the order will be cancelled on your behalf. If you need additional time for pickup please contact us and we can do our best to accommodate.